A Continuum of Chinese Instrumental Music

Vancouver Chinese Instrumental Music Society Presents a free community performance and lecture:
Saturday November 10, 2012, 7-8pm
Vancouver Central Public Library
Alma VanDusen Room (downstairs)
350 West Georgia Street
Alan Lau, guest speaker ♦ Ji Rong Huang, erhu ♦ Sarah Tan, guzheng
Gui Lian Liu, pipa ♦ Zhong Xi Wu, suona/sheng
Our workshop features Chinese music scholar Alan Lau as guest speaker. He explores the nature of Chinese music by taking us on a journey from its past to present, and looks at where it is headed. A Continuum of Chinese Music also includes a study of other musical styles in relation to Chinese music: from classical Japanese gagaku to traditional Indonesian gamelan, minimalism to 12-tone music and orientalism to post modernity. The audience will be taught how to create their very own Chinese melodies based on the six tones of the Cantonese language.
This event will be a sneak peak at our fall concert performed by the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble. Transformation: Our Story will be a full concert performance demonstrating 33 years of Chinese music in Vancouver.
During the workshop, musicians from the Ensemble will be playing selections of music from different places and times discussed during the workshop. The musicians will demonstrate new sounds and developed techniques through growth and performances. There will be a question and answer session at the end of the workshop that will allow the public to interact with the instruments and learn more about Chinese culture and music. This workshop is a great place for the culturally curious, the music lover, and life long learners of
all ages to spend an evening out with family and friends.
11月10日(星期六) 下午7時
Alma Vandusen (lower level)
350 West Georgia Street
Alan Lau, guest speaker ♦ Ji Rong Huang, erhu ♦ Sarah Tan, guzheng
Gui Lian Liu, pipa ♦ Zhong Xi Wu, suona/sheng
講座由音樂家劉嘉麟(Alan Lau)主持,他將帶領聽眾踏上一趟音樂之旅, 探索中國音樂的過去與現在,樂風之演變. 以及其與亞洲各國音樂傳統,如日韓雅樂,印尼甘美蘭乃至當代簡約主義(minimalism) 等千絲萬縷的關係, 以傳統與革新作為切入點,展望中國音樂的發展與未來. 當中更有單元介紹如何利用粵語中的六個聲調, 自度音樂旋律.
聆聽古老音韻,感受現場演奏, 趣話中華音樂; 講座將以英語進行,並由黃繼榮老師及其中華樂團各成員現場示範各種樂器,展示各演奏名家的精湛技巧;一場難得的音樂饗宴,歡迎大家參加.