Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble Musicians
Chinese Instrumental Music Society
Jirong Huang - Erhu (Chinese Violin)
Gui Lian Liu - Pipa (Chinese Lute)
Zhi Min Yu - Ruan (Chinese Guitar)
Sarah Tan - Gu Zheng (Zither)
Zhong Xi Wu - Suona, Sheng
Charlie Lui - Bamboo Flute
Bruce Henzcel - Percussion
Jessica Huang - Piano
Qing Chang - sanxian, liuqin
(Chinese banjo & mandolin)
Ling Yang - Pipa (Chinese Guitar)
Wei Li - Gu Zheng (zither)
Ji Rong Huang
Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble Artistic Director
Ji Rong is the artistic director of the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble. HIs journey in music started when he graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music with a B.A. in performance.
Since arriving in Vancouver in 1988, Ji Rong has performed for the Canadian Governor General Concert as an erhu soloist and showcased his talent across Canada and the U.S., including appearances on TV and CBC radio programs.
As a master of Chinese bowstring instruments, he has collaborated with many multicultural instruments and is highly involved in the
interdisciplinary arts in Vancouver. With the support of the Chinese Instrumental Music Society, he started the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble in 1989, which at the time was the very first professional Chinese music organization in Canada .
He has dedicated his music career to bridging Chinese instrumental music and Western classical and contemporary music, His efforts have received praise and acclaim from many Asian and Northern American audiences.

黃繼榮 – 胡琴
黃繼榮畢業于上海音樂學院,曾師從王乙,唐春貴和吳之泯宗。他曾受國家選派,赴法國、及日本演奏。1988年移居加拿大後,參與了上千場各類演出,包括加拿大和美國多地的重大音樂節、加拿大國家廣播電台、電視和加拿大總督專場音樂會。黃繼榮演奏基礎紮實,精通多種胡琴演奏風格,高胡、板胡、中胡、京胡等皆能獨當一面。作為溫哥華中華樂團的建立者和藝術總監,他無數年如一日, 通過不斷和跨文化的音樂家們、不同風格的樂隊以及和交響樂團的合作中,吸取西方古典,現代派以及北美各類音樂精髓融進和發展中國音樂。他的表演以豐富的藝術感染力贏得了無數北美聽眾的讚賞。
Gui Lian Liu
Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble Pipa Player- Chinese Guitar
Born in Shanghai, Gui Lian graduated from and also stayed as a teacher in the Central Conservatory of Music, which is regarded the best music school in China. Gui Lian Liu was the youngest professor of music in China. She has performed on international stages.
Her biography is listed in “Who’s Who of the World”, “Chinese Famous Contemporary Writers and Artists”, and “Chinese Famous Musicians”. She also comes highly recommended by several local and international maestros.
A former principal performer of the Chinese Orchestra of the Central Conservatory of Music, she was also a director of Shanghai Pipa Society, and a member of the Chinese Musicians’ Association and Chinese National Orchestral Society.

劉桂蓮 – 琵琶

Sarah Tan
Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble Musicians
Gu zheng - Chinese Zither
Sarah is a trained master of the Guzheng (Chinese Zither). She began studying the instrument at the age of 10 and later continued her musical growth at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music. She was fortunate to have studied under different zheng masters, most notably, Professor Wang Wei, and completed her degree in 2008 specializing in guzheng.
As a student, Sarah obtained numerous prizes in different major competitions and played as a guest performer in many renowned Chinese symphonies. By 2004, she was employed by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Art Center, and awarded the best guzheng instructor for five consecutive years.
After immigrating to Vancouver in 2008, Sarah was a soloist for the BC Chinese Orchestra. Her music career took off in Canada as she joined the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble and performed with them in a variety of international collaborations and creative ventures through the years. Her virtuosity and musicality is a wonder to behold.

Zhong Xi Wu
Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble Musicians
Suona + Sheng - Chinese Oboe + Reed Organ
Zhongxi Wu aka Jonesy to his friends, is a 4th generation of suona players in his family and has added to their many accolades. He was an honorary director of the Chinese Wind Instrument Society in China, and has played suona for several acclaimed music groups including: the B.C. Chinese Orchestra, the Vancouver Intercultural Orchestra, Vancouver Chinese Ensemble, Golden Pearl Ensemble.
When asked what highlights are most memorable in his career, he is always delighted to talk about the time that he performed in the Delta Police Pipe Band and shared the stage with Paul McCartney in a concert in Vancouver.
In more recent years, Zhongxi recorded with the Vancouver Intercultural Orchestra (VICO) (Album "In the Key of the World”, 2020), as well as with the Jodi Proznick Trio (Album “Jasmine Jazz”) which won the Breakout West Award
Zhongxi isn't just a joy that lights up the stage during performances, but he also shares his love of Chinese instrumental music by teaching with the UBC Music department, the Canada Y.C Music Academy, and the VSO School of Music.

吳忠喜 – 嗩吶、笙
吴忠喜 吴⽒唢呐 ⾮遗第四代传⼈ 8岁随⽗亲 学习唢呐 毕业于⿊⻰江职业艺术学院 曾⼯作于⻰江剧院 评 剧院 省歌舞团,赴⾹港 ⽇本 纽约 英国 荷兰 瑞⼠ 德国 演出 2000年移⺠温哥华 加⼊温哥华中华乐团,BC 省中乐团 ,丝绸之路中乐团,VICO多元化乐团。UBC⼤学,温哥华交响乐团⾳乐学院导师,三⻆洲警察⻛ 笛队 ⾸位华⼈⻛笛⾸

Charlie Lui
Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble Musicians
Dizi Bamboo Flute
Charlie Lui 呂畇初 Grew up in a musical family, He studied the cello under his father Ki Ling Lui (呂其嶺) In 1995, his interest in Chinese music took over, and the dizi became his primary focus. Charlie moved to Vancouver with his family and trained intensively with Mr. Jian Min Pan (潘建明). In 2000, he traveled to China to study with dizi virtuoso Mr. Wei-Yu Tan (譚謂裕), professor of Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
Charlie has mastered a wide range of Chinese wind instruments, including modified chi-ba, xiao, xun, koudi, paixiao, bawu, and hulusi.
As a soloist, Charlie has performed numerous dizi concerti and has performed on a number of CDs. He performed with prominent groups including the Nu: BC, BC Chinese Music Ensemble, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Ding Yi Music Company (Singapore), Melody of China (San Francisco).

Bruce Henzcel
Percussion/ Marimba
Bruce Henczel began his musical studies at age three. A multi-instrumentalist, he graduated from Capilano College at the top of his class musically, and academically. He received his Master of Music in percussion performance from the University of British Columbia, where he won many awards, notably, the Concerto Competition.
He is an active chamber musician and composer. He currently has two solo cds, and is working on a world music Mass. His print music is published internationally by Honeyrock Publishing, Inc., in Pennsylvania. His diverse musical interests allow him to facilitate drum circles and workshops utilizing rhythms from around the world.

布魯斯.漢素 – 打擊樂
布魯斯漢素由3歲開始學習鋼琴及小提琴。6歲時,他轉讀中提琴,12歲時開始學習鼓樂。2000年畢業於Capilano College后,擁有優異成績的他從2003年開始在UBC攻讀碩士。在這期間,布魯斯曾奪得多個獎項,包括成為唯一一位打擊樂手獲得UBC協奏曲大賽得獎者的殊榮。布魯斯擁有非常豐富的演出經驗,他曾代表溫哥華交響樂團、本拿比交響樂團等演出,更是兩隊打擊樂隊的始創人。布魯斯於2003年1月推出了他的首張個人唱片,當中收錄了一系列用世界各地不同打擊樂器演奏的聖詩。
Jessica Huang
Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble Musician
Jessica Huang, certified teacher of RCM, is a member of the BC Registered Music Teachers Association and teaches at the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra School of Music. She was recognized with an “Outstanding Teacher Medal” presented by the Vancouver International Music Competition for both 2017 and 2021.
Jessica graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 2006 with a bachelor's degree in piano and a master's degree in Zheng performance in 2011.
She was a member of the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, Shanghai Zhongfuhui Orchestra, and Minhang Junior Orchestra in China. After moving to Canada, she has performed with the BC Chinese Orchestra, Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble and 21stringsplus.

RCM认证教师,BCRMTA协会会员,VSO school of music 教师。毕业于上海音乐学院;钢琴学士学位、民族管弦樂古箏教學碩士學位,在校期間曾與上海民族樂團、上海市中福會民樂團,閔行區少兒民樂團等多次合作,參加各類大型演出。2005年獲得東方之星比賽古箏組銀獎。同年帶領學生參與東方推新人樂器大賽,以《茉莉芬芳》一曲獲得了民樂合奏組金獎,並獲得了優秀指導教師。2012年移居溫哥華後,致力于钢琴及古筝教学,并先后與庇詩中樂團、溫哥華中華樂團、温哥华汉乐团,温哥华青年爱乐交响乐团,21stringsplus、Delta Police Pipe Band等多個音樂團體合作。2017获得了Vancouver international music competition 优秀指导师,2021年获得Canada Joy Of Music International Invitation Piano Competition优秀指导教师。

Qing Chang
Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble Musician
Sanxian, & liuqin - Chinese banjo & mandolin
Chinese lutist performer and teacher, Qing Chang began playing the Pipa at the age of seven and then studied in the Secondary Annex of Tianjin Conservatory. In 1992, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. During these ten years of learning, she mastered various plucked Chinese instruments, such as Sanxian, Ruan and Guzheng.
From 1993 to 1995, she performed in the China Broadcast Folk Orchestra and the Central Assembly of Song and Dance Troupe. She won awards for outstanding showmanship in international competition.
Qing's contribution to promoting and preserving Chinese immigrant culture and music in Canada is invaluable. Since she arrived in Canada in 1997, she has become a prominent figure in Vancouver's Chinese music scene, participating in concerts, music festivals, and CBC Radio programs. Her dedication to education is evident through her teaching of Pipa and Guzheng at the University of British Columbia and with the Vancouver School Board.
Furthermore, Qing's establishment of the Guzheng Art Academy, became the first school in Vancouver to receive a level-10 certificate. Her commitment to nurturing talent and spreading Chinese music. Her involvement with the Canadian Chinese Music Society further solidifies her role in supporting and promoting Chinese culture in Canada.

Ling Yang
Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble Musician
Pipa - Chinese Guitar
Pipa virtuoso Ling Yang received training from Kan Jin-Tian and Fan Jin-Long, and started her musical journey at the age of seven.
She entered the Xin Hai Conservatory of Music in 1988, graduating with distinction in 1992.
Since that time she has concentrated her attention on performance and teaching.
For Pipa and Guzheng lessons click here

Li Wei
Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble Musician
Guzheng- Chinese Zither
Nominated for the 2009 Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Soloist Performer, Wei Li is one of the most respected guzheng maestros in China today.
Li is specially acclaimed for his artistry in traditional Ling Nan style, and is considered to represent the pinnacle of this style’s zheng artistry. Li has enjoyed a very successful career. A
fter winning the first prize in guzheng solo composition, Meadow in Spring, both his Sigh of Home-Coming and Dream of An Opera were included in the Famous Chinese Guzheng Composition Encyclopedia.
Among his over thirty compositions and arrangements, the most well-known are Dun Huang Guzheng Concerto, Soul of Ya Shan, Sigh of Home-Coming for solo Guzheng, Dream of An Opera, and Toll of Monastery Bell. Each of these pieces has won first, second, or third prize in national or provincial competitions.