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Transformations - Celebrating 33 years of Chinese Music in Vancouver

Vancouver Chinese Instrumental Music Society Presents


- Celebrating 33 years of Chinese Music in Vancouver – Saturday, December 8 2012, 7:30 pm


Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble:

Jirong Huang — Gaohu,Erhu (Chinese violin) Jun Rong — Gaohu Yun Song, Ge L i — Erhu Zhongcai Yang — Zhonghu (Chinese viola) Charlie Lui — Dizi (Chinese lute) Guilian Liu — Pipa (Chinese lute) Sarah Tan — Zheng (Chinese zither) Qing Chang — Sanxian (Chinese banjo) & Ruan (Chinese guitar) Zhongxi Wu — Suona (Chinese oboe) & Sheng (Chinese reed organ) Ge Li - erhu Eddie Yu – bao sheng Guest Musicians William W.X.Fan — cello John Oliver - Guitar Woliu Pan — percussions Timothy Stacey - bass Len Pearson - percussions Conductor: Jin Zhang MC: Dr. Jan Walls

This concert took our audiences through a thoughtful examination of immigration and the diaspora of Chinese music in Vancouver. Facilitating an understanding of Vancouver’s diverse identities and representing a cultural group with such presence in Vancouver, this performance will feature Canada’s very first Chinese instrumental music. The Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble will be performed a history of transformation and 33 years of Chinese music in Vancouver.

The nights’ repertoire started with traditional pieces brought by immigration. The classical folk styles demand not only a mastery of technique, but also a high degree of sensitivity to evoke subtle sonorities and deep emotional expression. These songs often have poetic or philosophical associations, which was be addressed by our MC and renowned linguist Dr. Jan Walls.

Following was a selection of rearranged works that have extracted elements from both eastern and western practices, bridging the frontiers to create new music. These traditional folk tunes continue a rich traditional heritage in one aspect, while embracing contemporary influences at the same time.

And finally, the ensemble showcased several contemporary Canadian compositions written for Chinese Instruments featuring two new Compositions by Jin Zhang, Hello Mr. Mount Seymour and Jasmine Flower. Supporting high levels of creativity in the community, the ensemble endevours to develop cultural collaborations and global music. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Foundation



- 33 years of Chinese Music in Vancouver -

12月8日(星期六) 下午7時半 成人$20/ 學生和耆英$15 | 購票電話604 683 8240 | 或於當日在表演場所購買

票價: Kam Sing Arts 金聲琴行. 百家店 1570 Parker Place, 4380 No. 3 Rd, Richmond, 604.279.9728 Canada YC Music Academy 加拿大英才音樂學院 2360 - 8888 Odlin Cres, Richmond. 604.278.7730

Featuring 2 new Compositions by Jin Zhang: Hello Mr. Mount Seymour and Jasmine Flower

溫哥華中華樂團將於十二月八日, 星期六, 晚上七時半, 於Norman Rothstein 劇院 (950 West 41st Ave) 舉行年度冬季音樂會《萬象》, 集大溫中西專業音樂家之精英,曲目將豐富多彩。中國傳統音樂部分包括從古到今南北各派的經典樂曲, 跨文化部分有江南絲竹和北美音調相結合的新曲《紫竹異鄉調》。另外, 二胡協奏曲《情侶重逢》則以中國南方音調為素材,揉合了加拿大風格和西方現代音樂的特色,以表達梁祝在楓葉之國轉世重逢后永結眷屬。現代音樂部分有著名作曲指揮家張進的新作《西摩山》和《末莉花》,手法獨特新穎,中型專業樂隊將奏出前所未有的磅礡氣勢。知名漢學家王健教授 (Dr. Jan Walls) 更會以其一貫的風趣幽默, 與聽眾一同講分享移民文化與加拿大文化所形成的種種合流與點滴, 不容錯過。購票與查詢: 604 683 8240,或於當日在表演場所購買; 網址:

查詢請電: (604)683-8240,中文: (778)882-6189 | 電郵: / 感謝加拿大國家藝術委員會、卑詩省藝術委員會及溫哥華文化事務部的資助

Our activities take place on the unceded and traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples – sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh), and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of Canada Council for the Arts, the BC Arts Council, the Province of BC through the Community Gaming Grant and the City of Vancouver. 

Vancouver, BC V6B 1H4

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