Enchanted Evenings
- Sino-Western Winds - Sunday, October 9, 2011, 7:30 pm Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden 578 Carrall Street (at Pender) Tickets | 604 662 3207 | Info | 604 683 8240 | | $15 general/ $10 student and senior|
Suona & Sheng - Zhongxi Wu Bagpipes - Michael O’Neill Erhu - Jirong Huang Dizi - Jianmin Pan Pipa – Guilian Liu Ruan – Zhimin Yu Gu Zheng - Wei Li Dr. Jan Walls as Master of Ceremony
The Vancouver Chinese Instrumental Music Society and the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden will be presenting our fourth collaborative concert for the Around the World series called Pipers Air Supply. Building on our previous programs, this production will showcase pipes from cultures found in Vancouver and also celebrate the Garden’s 25th anniversary on Sunday October 9, 2011.
The evening’s music will be led by our musical director Jirong Huang on erhu. He will be working with Chinese suona Master Zhongxi Wu, Jianmin Pan on the Chinese dizi and our guest musician Michael O’Neill on Highland pipes accompanied by the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble. Together, these musicians will integrate their traditions and bring awareness to diverse cultures. They will display an array of techniques and skills ranging from traditional folk to improvised new music. For more information please visit vancouverchinesemusic.ca. The concert will be emceed by renowned linguist Dr. Jan Walls who brings his ability to bridge cultures with words.
Formed in 1989, the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble is the first professional Chinese Instrumental music group established in Canada. Our versatile group embraces the popular and the traditional music of China as well as western classical and contemporary fine art performed with Chinese instruments. Our approach is transformative in nature as each project incorporates innovative collaborations between our ensemble and artists contributing to this creative milieu. New music is created from our eclectic arrangements presenting Chinese instruments in a new light with each performance.
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~多元文化管樂大觀 ~
日期:2011年10月9日(星期日)7時半 地點:中山公園 | 578 Carrall Street 票價: 成人$15 / 學生, 耆英 $10 購票電話 |604 662 3207| 或於當日在表演場所購買 查詢電話 |604 683 8240|www.vancouverchinesemusic.ca
吳忠喜: 嗩吶 Michael O’Neill: 風笛 黃繼榮﹕二胡 潘建明: 笛子 劉桂蓮﹕琵琶 于志敏﹕阮 李煒: 箏 主持: 王健教授
溫哥華中華樂團將於10月9日(星期日)與中山公園合辦世界民族音樂系列壓軸音樂會《笙管齊鳴》。 承接以往主題, 是次音樂會將展現來自不同文化的吹管樂器, 並同時慶祝中山公園成立二十五周年。
音樂會在二胡大師黃繼榮擔任藝術總監, 並帶領嗩吶名家吳忠喜, 名笛子演奏家潘建明, 以及蘇格蘭風笛家Michael O’Neil, 連同中華樂團各成員, 向聽眾展現精湛技藝和令人驚嘆的旋律。透過管樂器獨奏,重奏以及合奏的表演方式,樂團亦將顯示傳統和創新相結合之特殊效果。節目主持將由著名語言學家王健教授(Dr. Jan Walls)擔任。