Vancouver Chinese Instrumental Music Society Presents
Bang Danjos
Saturday November 16 2013, 7:30pm Vancouver Playhouse Theatre
$20 Reserved Seating
Bangdanjos.brownpapertickets.com vancouverchinesemusic.ca
Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble: Jirong Huang, musical director – erhu Dayna Szyndrowski – Tap Dancer Jonathan Bernard – percussion Featured Banjos: Sarah Tan – guzheng Qing Chang – sanxian Lawrence Mollerup – Bass Nick Hornbuckle – Bluegrass Banjo John Oliver – guitar Hiroshi Yamaguchi – tsugaru shamisen
Strumming drumming and tapping!
Bang Danjos showcases three unique manifestations of the banjo. Come join us and witness the influences of bluegrass, Chinese classical and Japanese folk-rock in a stimulating mash up of culture and styles. Known for his appearance in the Asia Art Festival, our concert features honored guest performer Hiroshi Yamaguchi. He will be showcasing the infectious sounds of the Japanese tsugaru shamisen that so rarely makes an appearance in Vancouver.
The evening’s program will be emceed by renowned linguist Dr. Jan Walls and includes Evelyn Chang on sanxian (Chinese banjo), Nick Hornbuckle playing bluegrass banjo, Hiroshi Yamaguchi on tsugaru shamisen tapping and twanging with our very own dancer Dayna Szyndrowski.
Be apart of history as the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble breaks traditions, enriching Vancouver’s live music scene with vitality through an event that promotes the beauty of diversity and intertwined stylistic identities.
For more information or reserved tickets contact Angie@dkam.ca| Tel 604.683.8240 | Fax 604.683.7911
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Powell Street Festival, BC Arts Council, City of Vancouver, Hamber foundation the Canada Council for the Arts, Listel Hotel and the Consulate General of Japan.
2013年 11月 16日 (星期六)晚上 7:30
Hiroshi Yamaguchi – 津輕三味線
常青 - 三弦
Nick Hornbuckle – 蘭草班卓琴
溫哥華中華樂團 黃繼榮 - 二胡 Sarah Tan – 古箏 Jonathan Bernard – 打擊樂 Laurence Mollerup –貝司 Dayna Szyndrowski – 踢踏舞 John Oliver – 吉他 Barbara Vargas – 踢踏舞
“踢踏錚錚” 一展身手三種“班卓琴”的獨特體現法。 請過來,跟我們一起享受一個晚上的令人興奮的蘭草民樂,中國傳統民樂與日本搖滾民樂的不同文化風格。以亞洲藝術節出名的客串嘉賓山口宏在此要跟我們分享他津軽三味線的餘音繞梁的音樂 -- 在溫哥華可算是難得的機會。
著名漢學家王健做此次節目的主持人,節目單包括常青彈三弦,Nick Hornbuckle 彈蘭草班卓琴,山口宏彈津軽三味線,還有他們給伴奏的 Dayna Szyndrowski 和 Barbara Vargas 跳踢踏舞!