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Bamboo Silk String and Wood - A collaborative visual soundscape with local film artist Ken Smith
and a guest appearance by the Vancouver Grand Choir.

Bamboo Silk Strings and Wood

December 10, 2009 Featuring new compositions by Rui Shi Zhuo <Natural World>

A collaborative visual soundscape with local film artist Ken Smith and a guest appearance by the Vancouver Grand Choir

Ji Rong Huang: erhu (Chinese violin) / Gui Lian Liu: pipa (Chinese lute) /Zhi Min Yu: ruan (Chinese guitar)/ Wei Li: zheng (Chinese zither)/Zhong Xi Wu – suona & sheng (Chinese oboe & reed organ) / Charlie Liu: dizi (Chinese flute)/ Richard Cheung: cello/ Peggy Tong: bass/ John Bernard: marimba/ Gao Chao, Gao Yue: percussions/ Vancouver Chinese Grand Choir (Voices)

The new composition is called Sound, Light, Water with Bamboo, Silk strings and Wood. This piece attempts to reconcile silk instruments in a contemporary soundscape depicting the Canadian landscape.

This concert will incorporate multi-media projections by contemporary film artist Ken Smith, displaying a collection of picturesque visuals depicting Canadian imagery overlain with Chinese ideographs. The images combine ideals of the romanticized Chinese calligraphy and aspects of human activity, ecology and expansion through an immigrants point of view.

The characters chosen are symbols for both object and sounds, and through a combination of signs depict a lithe thought-picture that is not only called up by these images, but also a vivid soundscape played by the ensemble.

The work aims to challenge the assumptions of word – image dialectics through the incorporation and comparison of Chinese ideographs.

Program Design By Scopo Designs



溫哥華中華樂團 《自然的世界》

1210 日 星期四 晚上8 950 West 41st Avenue (at Oak)

票價: 成人 $20 / 學生,長者,小童 $15 購票: 可于當日在劇場購買

黃繼榮﹕二胡 劉桂蓮﹕琵琶 于志敏﹕阮 李 煒﹕箏 吳忠喜﹕嗩吶、笙 呂 畇初﹕笛子 章虹﹕大提琴、合成器 童俊琪﹕低音提琴

強納生﹕木琴 高超﹕打擊樂 高躍: 打擊樂 嘉賓演出﹕溫哥華知音合唱團

溫哥華中華樂團將於12 月10 日星期四,在溫哥華Norman Rothstein劇場舉行2009年度秋季音樂會《自然的世界》。此次演出令您不出溫哥華就能欣賞到由一流的音樂家們演奏的精彩中國音樂。 演出的曲目中除了經典名曲以外,還包括本地知名作曲家卓汭士的作品。

卓汭士曾受邀為溫哥華交響樂團、溫哥華新音樂、加拿大電影協會等譜曲。他的作品亦曾被加拿大 國家廣播公司播放。今年他將會和Ken Smith,溫哥華的電影專家合作。卓汭士以聲、光為背景、自然的世界為題材。其中貫串了水,風,山,木,花,雲,竹的景色描繪 的首演作品。聽眾將會在欣賞音樂的同時仿佛看到了一幅絢麗的自然畫面和加拿大多姿多彩,美麗,和諧的生存環境。卓汭士與Ken Smith 一起创造当代的视觉效果,从移民的角度来看待加拿大生态系统的问题。

溫哥華中華樂團成立於1989 年, 是加拿大第一個由專業中國音樂家組成的音樂團體。樂團的第一次亮相, 是在溫哥華奧芬劇場舉行的加拿大總督專場音樂會上演出。 此後,已在加美各地演出數百場。 樂團成員均受過高等音樂教育, 並有豐富的演奏經驗。 他們共同組成一支技藝精湛, 並具有嚴謹和嚴肅的專業精神及藝術態度的隊伍。

Our activities take place on the unceded and traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples – sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh), and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of Canada Council for the Arts, the BC Arts Council, the Province of BC through the Community Gaming Grant and the City of Vancouver. 

Vancouver, BC V6B 1H4

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