Vancouver Chinese Instrumental Music Society presents
Autumn Flight
with Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble
~ A multimedia presentation featuring live music, videos and shadow puppetry ~
Sunday, November 16 2014, 3:00pm
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden | 578 Carrall St. Vancouver
Tickets at door, online or by phone: autumnflight.brownpapertickets.com | 604 662 3207
General $15 Students $10 Seniors & Children $5
Jirong Huang (Director) – erhu
Zhong Xi Wu – suona, sheng, guanzi
Sarah Tan – guzheng
Alan Lau (Conductor) – keyboard
Ling Yang – pipa
Timothy Stacey – bass
Bruce Henczel – percussion
Jaiden – violin
Cross-country geese, city-dwelling pigeons, freedom-loving sea gulls, and family-caring crows – the Vancouver Chinese Instrumental Music Ensemble invites you to explore the city’s “ornitho-” or “bird-scape”, through a multimedia presentation created by visual artist and musician Alan Lau. Inspired by and dedicated to Chinese seniors residing in Chinatown, the show “Autumn Flight” will be presented at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden on Sunday, November 16.
The Ensemble will be performing both traditional Chinese music and newly composed pieces, accompanied by mixed footage of birds and shadow puppets, in a light-hearted story of a farm chicken trying to learn how to fly. “It was through this project that I became aware of the vitality and omnipresence of birds even in the city,” explained Alan, “I find the comfort zone-pushing chicken to be a metaphor of sorts – of us, of our own journeys, and of life.”
The project also marks the initial venturing of the Ensemble into community art making, which includes a series of puppet making workshops at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, the Chinese Culture Centre Museum, and the Chinese Community Library. A main focus of these public workshops is to facilitate intercultural communication through puppet making, especially between Chinese elders and other members of the community. Some of the resulting puppets from these workshops will be featured in the presentation.
For online tickets, please visit autumnflights.brownpapertickets.com
The presenters gratefully acknowledge the support of artsVest, Canada Council for the Arts, the City of Vancouver, Government of British Columbia through Direct Access to Charitable Gaming and Hamber Foundation.